We produce a lot of films here at Bacon. We think most of them are good. Some are even great. But we are, of course, biased. So to get an honest opinion, we've decided to ask some of the most notoriously unimpressed people we know to review a selection of our films. This is the first edition of Unimpressed People Review Our Work.
Mogens recently moved to a retirement community north of Copenhagen with his wife. However, he is not impressed with the bland food at his new home, the frequency of visits from his grandson or the mental state of the other residents.
He spends most of his time listening to jazz and observing a butterfly bush outside his window. Sometimes he watches TV, “but it's impossible to avoid commercials, which is a goddamn pest,” as he says.
How would we describe it?
A commercial for online marketplace FINN.no with a brilliantly sarcastic take on the concept of greenwashing.
Who's the director?
Matias & Mathias.
What does Mogens think?
“It’s a fun idea but it’s been seen before, right? I like sarcasm and it’s a beautiful film but there’s no surprise in it. Obviously, you should buy secondhand. Personally I don’t buy anything at all because we already have way too much crap.”
⮑ FINN.no / The Chair
⮑ kims / killer clowns
What is it?
A sweet clown urges killer clowns to be funny again for the love of good in this commercial for snack giant KiMs.
Who's the director?
Martin Werner.
What does Mogens think?
“This could definitely have been done in a smarter way. It’s a good idea but you should have chosen a different clown. One who was happier. And you need to choose a serious product instead of KiMs. All in all, it's a decent film but you need to work on it some more.”
How would we describe it?
An award-winning short film, which serves as a visually haunting commentary on human passivity regarding climate change.
Who's the director?
Nina Holmgren.
What does Mogens think?
“First of all, it needs an explanation why that chair is on fire. And there are way too many foggy shots. It makes me think; Think about why I had to watch this. That being said, I used to work with climate issues and it is a good idea to try and explain it to people in alternative ways.”
How would we describe it?
A humorous commercial for TV provider Canal Digital in which a woman falls in love with an alien.
Who's the director?
Bart Timmer.
What does Mogens think?
“Heavy stuff. I think it was pretty scary and I guess the point is that you can turn on Canal Digital and see horror films and stuff like that. It wan't so scary that I got chills, but cinematically it was nicely done.”
How would we describe it?
An elaborately funny commercial for Komplett with a nod to classic westerns and a twist at the end.
Who's the director?
Jakob Marky.
What does Mogens think?
“That one surprised me a little bit. I like the way they mixed reality and fiction. I don’t play computer games so I’m a complete novice, but I see all the kids playing esports on the telly and they will probably find a bunch of different errors in this commercial.”
How would we describe it?
A thought-provoking sequel to the award-winning campaign The Indoor Generation for window manufactorer Velux.
Who's the director?
Martin de Thurah.
What does Mogens think?
“It was too crafty, even though the point is great. I have worked with indoor climate for much of my life and I have often wondered how to convey this message to people. But mostly, this commercial really made me think about why Velux windows have to be so expensive and annoying. The children in grown-ups’ clothes were entertaining but I’ve seen it many times before.”
⮑ sas / the arrivals
How would we describe it?
A moving take on the effects of traveling for Scandinavian Airlines.
Who's the director?
Jeppe Rønde.
What does Mogens think?
“This one actually seemed like it’s made by professionals. I think it was really well made and it made me think about all the travelers and how they resemble each other. But obviously it was too long and repetitive.”
What is it?
A comedic campaign poking fun at the concept of influencers for The Municipal Employee Fund in Norway.
Who's the director?
Kristoffer Borgli.
What does Mogens think?
“It reminded me of an old Danny Kaye-movie, which was also about doing your best. This one was pretty long-winded but it is an all right little film.
I think it is a rare art form to make hard-hitting, short films. People who can do that should be praised.”